You’ve landed that one year contract in Germany, a relative has finally passed away, you and your spouse have (finally) opted to separate, your contractor is delayed another two years in finishing your condo, there’s been a flood in your basement, you’re Heisenberg and have amassed 20 million dollars by running an extensive meth operation and the safety deposit boxes are just a little small. There are as many storage solutions out there as there are reasons for needing it but one thing remains constant- you want to secure your things in a place that is right for you.
Storage Solutions
Self Storage
If you’ve got the space, why not opt for a mobile storage to come to you? The clear benefit here is laziness. Also, it cuts down on the hassle of having to pack your things into a truck and move to a distant location. Several companies will deliver a portable container suited to your needs into which you can leisurely load up your belongings all by yourself and once done they come back to take it away. Easy peasy! If, on the off chance, lugging a hundred boxes of your Barry Manilow vinyl collection out of the basement isn’t exactly how you envisioned spending your weekend, you can call us- hard work is what we live for and we’d be more than happy (well, not exactly happy) to put our strong backs into use to help clear out your space.
It is important to note though, that this self storage option has one main drawback- it is not necessarily the most secure way to store your belongings as the pods are usually constructed from pressed wood not adamantium. So if you live in an area where security is not a given, just know that with little to no effort access into these cute little pods can be gained easy peasy.
Also important to consider is what you should never ever (ever, ever) pack up into storage- flammables such as gasoline (yes, this is a flammable) propane tanks and synthetic toupees. Plants- legal and otherwise, perishables (this includes your mother in law), your goldfish and generally all manner of pets and zombified love ones.
What if after you’ve taken all necessary steps a freak tsunami spares your home yet curiously carries away that irreplaceable eery porcelain doll collection of yours? Ah, yes, insurance. In many instances, your home policy will cover you. Make sure though to check ahead of time, take pictures of what is most valuable and while you’re at it why not itemise your stuff- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of headaches.
Public Storage
If the storage will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad will go to the storage- public storage that is. Achtung though! Much like the picture of the perfect Big Mac compared to the slop you are served in reality, never trust a web site’s images. Recall the adage, an ounce of prevention, a pound of headaches? You read it a few sentences ago- pay attention! Well it applies here as well. Do your homework people! It’s not when you are in the middle of moving that you want to discover that the facility you opted for looks like the set of Nightmare on Elm Street replete with moist dripping pipes and steam emanating from unknown sources as rats with hellishly glowing red eyes scurry away with the approaching sound of razor hands scraping against metal surfaces. The best course is to visit these locations beforehand to determine what works best for you. You might even be surprised to discover that some companies have as much security as airport customs and if you have very precioussssss possessions this might be an important consideration. Also worth considering is access. Some places curiously are closed during peak moving periods so you’re going to want to know this beforehand. In this instance you would want to choose a place that allows you to go in 24/7.
Long Term Storage
Here’s another hot tip- like third degree burn hot. Many of these companies love long term clients and will consequently offer reductions for long term storage. So if you were indicted on charges of embezzlement and are facing a six year term (three and a half with good behaviour) make sure to shop around and seek out these deals. When you have decided on a place that is right for you, make sure to familiarise yourself with their rules. It is not unheard of for the renter of a unit to be evicted for breach of contract.
Friends / Relatives
And finally, if you are of a more economical nature (stingy) there is always that old standby option of calling up a friend/relative and asking them if they could keep a couple of things in their basement/shed/garage/extra room. When they happily welcome the chance to help you for absolutely no gain to themselves, won’t they be thrilled when you show up with your frightening dolls, your curious Manilows and the entire contents of your three bedroom home.
Happy storing!